The c flag will pass the command to the user referenced by su.

In Step 2, use the command sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full' to open both port 80 and port 443 instead of sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP', which only opens port 80.Ī registered domain name. Follow How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 to install Nginx. Nginx installed with access to ports 80 and 443. The latest version of R, which you can install with Step 1 of How To Install R on Ubuntu 20.04. To complete this tutorial, you will need:Īn Ubuntu 20.04 server with a sudo non-root user and a firewall, which you can set up by following the Ubuntu 20.04 initial server setup guide. You will also install an additional package to run interactive R Markdown documents. In this tutorial, you will install and configure Shiny and the open-source version of Shiny Server on a server running Ubuntu 20.04. With Shiny, you can use Shiny Server (available in both a free, open-source format and a paid, professional format) to host and manage Shiny applications and interactive R markdown documents. While many people turn to the open-source programming language R for statistical and graphics applications, Shiny is an R package that allows you to convert your R code into interactive webpages. The author selected the Free and Open Source Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.